Matt Beaty

Matt Beaty
Camera Operator

Matt Beaty—known around indieATL as just Beaty—is one of our camera operators. After graduating from UGA and beginning his M.A. at GSU, he began working with DAEL and indieATL in 2011. 

Get to know Beaty :

Q: Favorite music genre? 

A: Electronic, Synthpop, Indietronica

Q: Favorite indieATL band? 

A: Dead Confederate 

Q: Curent hobbies/interests? 

A: Concerts, Video Games, Munchkin, Pub Crawls, Trivia, Reading, Nap

Q: If you could manage any band in history which would it be?

A: Girls’ Generation. Who wouldn’t want to manage nine pretty pop girls with terribly catchy and cute music? Also: matching outfits and synchronized choreography. They’re everything you want and don’t want from pop culture.